Making signs is just fun. It's a lot like seeing a bumper sticker, and thinking, who came up with that?
Where I live, my garden runs adjecent to the sidewalk, and being that we live in town, many people walk their dogs past our house daily.
Now, I love dogs, I just dont love all dog owners. some are loving caring and responsible, while others, have a dog, and could not possibly pay less attention to what it is doing, even while on a walk.
So the idea for this sign came. My vegetables are constantly peed on by the walking dogs, and there is even one unattended neighborhood dog who chooses to take his daily #2 there.
I made it, but never actually put it out. I still love how it came out though.
do you let your dog freely go on your neighbors lawn and garden?
Ha! I love this sign. I would definitely put it out to keep the puppies away from my lunch!