Monday, November 14, 2011

A Letter From My Wife

My wife, Heather, will be traveling to Ethiopia in 13 days. Yes, she is leaving me again, but it it is all for a GREAT cause. Here is a letter she wrote to potential supporters of her trip. I would love you all to read it & consider being a part of the awesome work she will be doing. - Mitch

Romanian Boy

As some of you may know, I recently returned from a 10 day mission's trip in Romania. The fundraising for that trip was what I would call pretty easy. I sent out letters, got a great response, and was 100% funded weeks before my departure date. It was a totally new experience for me, and I was thrilled that God had called me to go out into the world. Honestly, I was also happy that while in Romania, God revealed to me that there is a lot of work at home in my own community that I needed to do. What a sigh of relief! While I loved my time in Romania, it was hard to set aside my kids, my husband, and my life for 10 days. I was happy to have had the experience & be done with missions for awhile.

typical Romanian apartment building.
1-3 rooms per apartment.
2-15 people living together.

Romanian Woman in Traditional Dress

About two weeks after my return, I was having a little meeting with a friend & the prospect of going to Ethiopia came up in conversation. As we started talking about it, I started crying & told her I had to go. Now, in my head I was thinking "NO YOU CRAZY PERSON! You just got back! Why are you saying you will go again?!" In my heart were the quiet whispers saying, "You need to go, I have things to show you & teach you in Africa."

Long story short Mitchell was 100% on board the minute I told him about the possibility, God showed me how circumstances from as long as 2 years ago happened in preparation for this trip, and I'm leaving in 13 days to go to Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Street Venders

So why am I writing all of this and sharing it? It has been on my heart lately to share with people where my heart is. I so badly want people to understand that I am not doing this for me. Yes, I feel extremely blessed and am so humbled that God picked me to go to Africa for Him, but if it wasn't for His work in my life I can honestly say my selfishness & need for control would take over & I probably wouldn't be going on this trip. I don't want people reading this to misunderstand and think that I don't want to go, I do! I'm just saying that it isn't going to be easy & it isn't a 5 star vacation. ;)

With all of that said, I still need $1570 to cover my expenses for the trip, and I have honestly struggled with asking for the money. This morning on my way to get the immunizations required for Ethiopia, I was really convicted to share my heart & make it clear that while yes, the $1570 needed is for me to go, every single person that matter what going with me on this journey. This money is not for me, I'm just merely one of the vehicles God has chosen at this time to show His love to widows & orphans in Africa. I am by no means of the imagination perfect, but I am so thankful that God picked me...just a messy be HIS hands & feet to others literally on the other side of the world. So won't you help me? I'm not going to stop asking until my goal is met... because you see, I'm not asking for me. I'm asking on behalf a greater cause. I'm asking on behalf of every person I come across in Africa. I'm asking on behalf of Him who is sending me...

While I am on the ground in Africa, I will be spending the majority of my time working with an awesome organization called the Selamta Family Project. Selamta is an innovative community-based model for creating permanent, independent families in regions ravaged by AIDS, poverty and despair. Selamta changes the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children, marginalized women and the communities that surround them, with a low-cost, scaleable system that creates sustainable change and social renewal. For more information please visit Selamta's website at

Ethiopian Boy, once an orphan, but now in a forever family thanks to Selamta

If you would like to donate, please visit the following Paypal fundraising link.

Thank you so much!



  1. Wow! I made a small donation and hope it helps your wife reach her goal.

  2. Jessica, thank you so much for your generosity!


  3. Thanks Jessica,

    I explained to heather that you are the one who writes the Wednesday Wine articles that we like. :)
