Sunday, July 24, 2011

10 Days of Romania Day 7: Campout

Today we got up Early at camp to the news that my sister had arrived. She lives near Philladelphia, and drove all night. She made cheesy eggs and blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

Breakfast conversation was dominated by the Requests, can we swim now? we said at 10 am, and the requests kept coming right to the minute. We did come down to the water and played for about 2 hours til noon. The boys took turns getting thrown up in the air as the request "higher, higher" rang out over the lake.

peanut butter and jelly for lunch I went to an afternoon softball game and got back in time for am impromptu football game before dinner. Burgers and corn on the grill for dinner... YUM.

The paper chain item was a camp out... so after dinner we started setting up the tent.
Once we were ready, we went inside for battleship and puzzles. early bed time for all especially me as I havent slept enough lately. Liam crashed almost immediatey, and Ashton and I had some good tent conversation. Ahhh the sweet outdoors!


  1. So much fun! I loved camping with my dad when I was little, looks like your getting some serious quality time with your little ones!


  2. How fun! I did a little camping back in my childhood.

    Do I see battleship?! We played that game for years. It was always so much fun!

  3. Man, I miss camping. We have hardly had any time to go this summer since we moved. So sad! And battleship?!! I haven't played this since I was little... it was one of my favorite games!

  4. I want to have my camping time again! Always fun and I filled few pages of my diary to write my experience on camping when I was child.


  5. yes, that indeed is battleship, which has found a new generation of kids who love it as much as we all did.

  6. Looks like you've been having such a fun time with the kids - I'm sure you miss your wife though!

    Looks like you're such a great dad!

    Happy Monday, Chrissy
    The Perfect Palette

  7. WOw...looks like you and the boys had a great time.
